Well-maintained carpets and upholstery help ensure a healthy home environment by reducing the amount of dust and allergens present. Your Chem-Dry professional can apply a special carpet deodorizer and sanitizer to reduce unhealthy bacteria in your carpets. Request the Healthy Home Package, which includes our sanitizer and deodorizer formula, for your next cleaning appointment.
Chem-Dry’s Healthy Home Package is designed to protect your home from allergens which plague most households. Common allergens ‘hiding’ in the home environment include:
Chem-Dry Dust Mite Allergen
The first step in eliminating the dust mite allergen is a thorough cleaning of the home, including hot carbonation extraction of the carpet, rugs, upholstery.
Dust_Mite_Blue.jpgLaboratory studies demonstrated that when dust mite droppings are treated with the main active ingredient contained in Chem-Dry Dust Mite Anti-Allergen, the allergens are denatured, rendering them harmless to people who display allergic systems to dust mite allergens.
We believe Dust Mite Anti-Allergen to be the most effective and safest product available today for surface treatment of dust mite allergens.
Chem-Dry Dust Mite Anit-Allergen is derived from naturally occurring extracts found in plants and trees. It works by instantly deactivating the allergen found in dust mite droppings.

Ask your Chem-Dry professional for more on how an application of Dust Mite Anti-Allergen can benefit your home.